Friday, September 28, 2012

Reggie's First Week at Lehigh

Having a dog at Lehigh is well.... interesting. Last week one of my roommates randomly decided that she wanted to get a dog for our house. A few glasses of wine later, my roommates and I were searching the web for puppies for sale in the Lehigh Valley making up hypothetical situations of what we would do once we had a dog in our possession. Having a dog at home, I knew how much of a responsibility it would be to take care of a dog at college especially since we are all so busy and on such different schedules. Never in a million years did I think we would ACTUALLY get a dog but the next morning my roommates were still so hot on the idea, they returned with a puppy by 11am the next morning.

BUT Reggie is not just any puppy, he is in my opinion one of the cutest puppies I have ever laid my eyes on. He is celebrity status at Lehigh right now. Reggie is all over Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. My roommates and I will walking him outside and random people will come up to us and ask if this is Reggie and ask to play with him. He has had so many visitors in the last week it's unreal. Let's just say everyone who meets him is obsessed for obvious reasons.

Reggie is a mix between a poodle and a beagle but somehow looks like neither of them (he looks more like a chocolate lab!). He is currently 4.8 pounds and will grow to be 15 pounds by the time he is fully grown. Reggie pees everywhere in the house, and loves to bite anything he can get a hold of including socks, shoes, feet, etc. but somehow its hard to stay mad at him for very long. His training is a slow process but we are trying our best to be stern and serious but loving and affectionate parents at the same time ;) Reggie has the brightest blue eyes and his left eye is a little lazy but that just makes him even cuter. Despite our frustration and sometimes lack of patience dealing with his mishaps, we still love him unconditionally. Here is a picture of the little guy!

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